Choosing the Right Access Control System for Your Business

Jul 22, 2024 | Business, Commercial

Although we still use words like “turnkey” to describe businesses and even homes that are essentially ready once you turn the key and enter, the literal entry and access to business buildings and digital infrastructure, however, has evolved into more sophisticated systems that ensure safety and privacy at all times. This system is called Access Control and it’s something every business owner should consider while building and growing their business. What are some things to consider when trying to choose the right access control system for your business?  

Analyze your Basic Needs 

The fact is, there are many ways to build an access control system and it’s important to consider what levels of security you will need.  This is more than just entry and exiting through the front door. It’s all entry points outside and even within your building space. Additionally, it’s access within your own databases. Who should be allowed to see what exactly and even choose when. So, the first thing to think about is the size of your business.  A few first questions to ask yourself would be things like: How big is your business? How many employees? What types of things both physically and digitally would you like to control access to? How might your business grow in the future?  Answering these questions initially will help give you a first look at what kind of system you are looking for.  

Get Specific 

After taking a high-level look at what would be ideal for your situation, you can begin to ask more specific and detailed questions about actual roles within the company, making a detailed checklist of your possible access points that correlate with the company role that should access it. Think about departments like human resources, payroll, executives vs. staff and even weekend access for the cleaning company. Who will be responsible for giving and revoking access and the process that you will follow.  

Pick Your Preference 

Finally, what type of authentication methods do you prefer? These can include using passwords, key cards and even biometrics to ensure the correct employee is accessing the correct information or space within the office. Don’t forget to consider long-term implications like how your business might grow and expand or if the system you choose will integrate with your existing software.  

Though our businesses no longer rely on simply turning a key to access them, the idea that your business can be efficient and easy to access is more than possible with the right access control system. If you are considering a system for your business, contact a professional who can walk you through the steps to making your business safe and secure.