Frozen Pipes and Water Detection

Dec 7, 2023 | Residential, Residential News

Water leaking into your home can create huge issues when not detected and addressed immediately.  Though leaks can come from a variety of places, in the winter, it is often caused by frozen pipes.  When water freezes, it expands, and it’s that expansion that can compromise the integrity of the water pipe, potentially leading to a burst pipe or sometimes a slow leak that can go undetected for some time.

Here are some ways to prevent frozen pipes.

  • Set your thermostat to a minimum of 55 degrees.
  • Assess and insulate areas where pipes may be exposed to colder temperatures (basement, garage, etc.)
  • Turn off (winterize) the water running to exterior hoses.
  • Leave inside faucets dripping during colder nights.
  • Seal cracks leading into your home.

If you do suspect a leak, have someone come to inspect the area immediately.  You may also want to invest in a smart water leak detector for areas in your home that are less traveled such as basements.  Water leak detectors are designed to notify you the moment the sensor comes into contact with water.  Additionally, if you are going to be out of town at any point in the year, it is a good idea to have someone come by periodically and check for things like burst pipes or running toilets.

No one likes to deal with water seeping into their home.  It can be highly destructive, expensive to fix and has the potential to turn into more dangerous issues, like mold. That’s why it’s important to make sure you are not only handling leaks immediately in your home, but are taking steps to reduce the likelihood of having a leak and or finding ways to detect them quickly.

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