Home Security Myths Debunked

Jul 18, 2024 | Residential

What are some reasons that you are holding back from installing a security system in your home or business? Do you feel like they are too complicated? You don’t need one where you live? Worried about your privacy?  Whatever your reasons, it’s important to know that according to a report from the Alarm Industry Research and Education Foundation, homes without visible security systems are 2.7 to 3.5 times more likely to be targeted by thieves.  Let’s debunk some home security myths. 

Security systems are too complicated to use, I’ll never learn! 

Security systems are extremely user friendly. Most can be controlled by an app on your phone and from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet. Long gone are the days of writing down complicated instructions for people coming into your home while you are away. You control every aspect of your home security, allowing people to come in and out, checking cameras and even turning your system on and off as you see fit.  

I don’t want/trust security cameras all over my house!  

With end-to-end encryption of your footage, you are in charge of your own footage. There is no need to feel like your security is being violated as this feature protects your files from being hacked by criminals or even viewed by law enforcement or the security company. You can rest easy knowing the cameras are in your home or business to work to protect you and no one else.  

Nothing bad happens where I live!  

Bad things can happen anywhere, even in rural areas. In fact, rural areas can be plagued with less first responders and police, making response time slower. And while you may be in an area with lower crime, the very fact that you don’t have a security system can make you the first choice of someone looking for a home to burglarize. It’s widely understood that the very presence of a security system makes a place look less attractive to criminals.  

If someone really wanted to break in, they can get past a security system!  

With advanced anti-tampering systems, it’s not that easy to override home security these days. Most criminals are looking for the least complicated home to enter, but even with experienced criminals, this anti-tampering technology will help reduce the likelihood of a security system failing. These systems are designed to anticipate and protect against some of the most common methods of overriding a security system, ensuring your safety at all times.  

Security systems work around the clock to make our homes and businesses safer. When we’re home with our families, out for the evening or even on an extended vacation, we can rest assured that security systems add more value to our lives than frustration, and it’s important to analyze our own fears or myths in order to do what’s best for our families.