Protecting Your Business During The Holidays


Keeping a business safe is always at the forefront of an owner’s mind. The holidays, however, can be a particularly risky time for businesses and it’s important to assess your holiday safety concerns before the season.  Rotating vacation schedules can mean less employees in the building, holiday fanfare and gifts can mean more appealing items to steal or even the fact that the business might be empty for multiple days while everyone celebrates with their families.  All of these realities can increase the risk for any business over the holiday season.


Protect the Premises

Now is the time to test security equipment.  Is everything in good working order? Are you optimizing coverage of your facility for best screening both during the day and at night?  A lot of businesses get into the holiday spirit by decorating for the season. Make sure that the decorations are not covering or interfering with the security system.  Additionally, if your business has a security team, communicate with them regarding your holiday hours. Finally, in some cases it’s very feasible to keep your holiday business hours to yourself.  Consider leaving a note for people to call to get business hours.


Protect the Employees

Your staff might find themselves at work with less people or, in some cases, alone. Whenever possible, empower employees to look after themselves and each other. Review security procedures and give them any special instructions for entering the business during this time. Make sure they know who to reach out to with security concerns and issues with the building, especially if managers and executive staff are taking time off.


Protect from Damage

With businesses being closed for several days over the holidays, make sure to take into account potential disasters such as leaks or frozen pipes.  If the temperature is dropping drastically over the holidays, “winterize” your business and make a plan to check on the facility a few times to make sure there is no unaddressed weather damage or fire hazards.


The last thing people want to think about during the holidays is work, but it’s especially important to safety conscious especially when normal operating hours and employee presence will be disrupted. Creating a plan, checking on your current security and looping key employees in can ensure that everyone has a peaceful and restful holiday season.