The Alarming Truth: Why Many Homes Are Still Unprotected Against Fires

Aug 28, 2024 | Residential

The truth is that no one thinks it will happen to them. We hear about fires in our communities, we may even remember to test our smoke alarms and change the batteries, but when it comes to fully protecting our homes with functioning fire safety equipment, many of us are still lacking.

Fire Extinguishers

The general rule for fire extinguishers is that there should be one accessible on each floor of the house. Many homes don’t have an adequate amount of working fire extinguishers. This can be from lack of knowledge, not being able to invest in having some and even just not knowing how to use a fire extinguisher. The truth is that a portable fire extinguisher is a vital first defense for controlling a fire.

Smoke Alarms

Most homes come equipped with smoke detectors at least on every level of the home, but the recommendation is that each bedroom be equipped with a smoke detector to alert family members immediately. Many homeowners get into their homes and do the bare minimum, they may replace the batteries when the smoke detectors start chirping but are not really assessing whether there should be more smoke detectors in the home. Don’t let the previous owners dictate your family’s safety. Working smoke detectors should be on every level and in every room with a sleeping person.

Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting can be one of the easiest safety features to add to a home and yet many people simply don’t think about it. Trying to navigate dark hallways and stairs in a state of panic could be a recipe for disaster. Additionally, lighting the way out could be directional for little ones trying to get out of the house.

An Emergency Plan

It is so important to have an emergency plan for your family and yet many of us just don’t take the time to make one. Sit down and discuss a plan with your family. Most of the time, swiftly exiting the home is the best line of defense and you want to make sure your family knows exactly where and how to exit.

Don’t get caught in an inadequately protected home. In the event of a fire, having the right alarms, equipment, and plans can make all the difference for your family’s safety.