Turn Your Home into a Smart Home

Mar 19, 2024 | home automation, Residential

Most of us have had a similar experience. The family sitting in the car, ready to head out of town, while one person, runs through the house, setting thermostats, unplugging appliances, and setting light timers before finally setting the burglar alarm and sprinting out of a closing garage door being careful not to fall or trip the sensors, lest you start all over again. Flash forward to what is supposed to be a relaxing vacation and all you do is worry about whether you remembered to close that garage door or whether there could be some sort of leak while you are gone.   

With a smart home, you have more than that one chance to get it right. With better technology, most everything in your home can be “smart,” which means you can control it in just a few clicks. Using your phone as a control panel, you can set and monitor important features in your home while you are away.  You don’t have to leave later, worry about how you left or even sprint under a garage door ever again. Smart homes do it all for you!  Here are some things a smart home can do for you while away.  

  • Unlock and relock doors with keypads 
  • Easily change door code to limit access rather than changing door locks 
  • Arm and disarm alarms 
  • Adjust temperature settings 
  • Adjust lighting in the home 
  • Utilize a smart assistant to interact with your smart appliances 
  • Control and watch security cameras in real time 
  • Get alerts on your phone according to preferences 
  • Monitor temperature drops  
  • Water detection alerts in the event of a burst pipe or substantial leak 
  • Smoke, fire and carbon monoxide alarm alerts 

If it can be plugged in, it can become a smart device.  You don’t ever have to spend your time away from home wondering if you did everything on your list to make sure your home was safe while you are away – for any amount of time. By converting your home into a smart home, your home and family’s safety is entirely in your control.